
My assumptions can be extremely ridiculous, especially after I experience something I believe is unjust. Not to minimize any actions or their impacts, but sometimes I need a clear reminder that I am not entitled to only the good parts of life. Merely existing guarantees that everyone will suffer to some degree, and I am no exception to the rule. Why is that very logical and simple concept so hard for me to internalize?

This is my danger zone because my brain will analyze to no end. If the idea, theory or concept is too simple it will drive me bananas. I’ll argue that life isn’t simple so why shouldn’t it be the same for the answers to life? That is what life is like inside my brain. I know. Oy.

Seriously though, why are the most difficult things to master so easy to condense in a paragraph or cutesy quote? During my quest to find the answer on Google, I ran into the best page ever: Explain a concept using only 1,000 of the most commonly used words.

I had to laugh at myself because that was the hardest task I’ve ever attempted in the world, but it taught me a lesson. Sometimes life in all of its pain and complexity is just that simple.

Where would I be if no one poked fun at overly verbose people?

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